Advantages and Disadvantages of PHP Frameworks

Advantages and Disadvantages of PHP Frameworks

PHP is one of those programming languages which are developed with built-in web development capabilities. The programmers can embed the code written in this popular server-side programming language seamlessly into HTML code through the Script tag. But the web developers cannot write large and complex websites and web application rapidly without executing PHP code through various web frameworks.

In addition to promoting rapid web application development, the PHP frameworks even simplify web application development by providing a basic structure. The features and tools provided by these web frameworks even enable development to add functionality to the web application and perform common web development tasks without writing lengthy and complex code.

The web developers even have option to choose from a wide range of PHP frameworks. Most of these frameworks are open source and can be used without paying any licensing fees. Some of these PHP frameworks are full-stack web frameworks, whereas others are micro frameworks. But it is also important for the web developers to understand the advantages and disadvantages of using PHP frameworks.

Advantages of Using PHP Frameworks

Speed up custom web application development

Nowadays, PHP programmers have to write web applications based on complex business requirements. Likewise, they have to explore ways to make the web application deliver richer user experience. The tools, features, and code snippets provided by PHP frameworks help developers to accelerate custom web application development.

Simplify web application maintenance

Unlike other programming languages, PHP does not emphasize on code readability and maintainability. The PHP frameworks simplify web application development and maintenance by supporting model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. The developers can take advantage of MVC architecture to divide a web application into models, views and controllers. They can use a MVC framework for PHP to keep the application’s user interface and business logic layers separated.

No need to write additional code

PHP, unlike other programming languages, does not allow programmers to express concepts without writing longer lines of code. Hence, the PHP programmers have to write lengthy and complex code while adding features or functionality to a website. The PHP frameworks reduce coding time significantly by providing code generation feature. The code generation features provided by certain PHP frameworks enable programmers to keep the source code of web application clean and maintainable.

Work with databases more efficiently

Most PHP frameworks allow programmers to work with a number of widely used relational databases. Some frameworks further simplify database operations by providing object relational mapping (ORM) systems. The programmers can take advantage of the ORM systems to perform database operations without writing lengthy SQL code. The ORMs even allows programmers to write object code directly in PHP programming language.

Automate common web development tasks

While building a web application, developers have to perform a number of tasks in addition to writing code. Some of these common web development tasks require programmers to invest additional time and effort. The functions and tools provided by PHP frameworks help developers to automate common web development tasks like caching, session management, authentication, and URL mapping.

Protect websites from targeted security attacks

PHP is considered to be one of the most unsecured programming languages. Often programmers have to explore ways to protect the PHP applications from various security attacks. The built-in security features and mechanisms provided by PHP framework make it easier for developers to protect the website from existing and emerging security threats. Also, the PHP web developers can easily prevent common security threats like SQL injections, cross-site request forgery, and data tampering.

Perform unit testing efficiently

While building a custom web application, developers have to perform unit testing regularly to evaluate its individual units or components. A large percentage of web developers use PHPUnit to perform unit tests quickly and efficiently. In addition to being an object-oriented unit testing framework for PHP, PHPUnit further helps developers to write and run unit tests by providing coding assistance. Many PHP frameworks support PHPUnit natively, and enable programmers to perform unit testing smoothly.

No need to increase web development cost

As an open source server-side programming language, PHP helps users to curtail web development cost significantly. The developers also have option to choose from several open source web frameworks for PHP. They can even avail the features and tools provided by these open source PHP frameworks speed up custom web application development without increasing project overheads.

Disadvantages of Using PHP Frameworks

Programmers need to learn PHP frameworks instead of PHP

The PHP frameworks enable programmers to add functionality to a web application without writing additional code. But the programmers have to put some time and effort to learn the PHP framework. They can even learn and use certain frameworks without being proficient in PHP coding.

Quality of PHP frameworks differs

Most widely used PHP frameworks are open source and free. Hence, the web developers can take advantage of these web frameworks without increasing the project cost. But the community strength of individual frameworks differs. Hence, some PHP frameworks lack prompt and adequate support.

Lack of option to modify core behavior

In addition to proving a basic structure for web application development, the PHP frameworks further accelerate custom web application development. But the developers still lack any option to make changes to the core behavior of these frameworks. Some frameworks even requirements developers to use specific tools or adopt a particular web development pattern.

Affect Speed and performance of websites

Most PHP frameworks come with robust features and tools to accelerate development of large and complex websites. But web developers may not need these advanced features while building small or simple web applications. Also, these additional features often impact the performance and speed of websites adversely.

On the whole, the web developers have option to choose from several full-stack and micro web frameworks for PHP. But the widely used PHP frameworks differ from each other in the category of functionality, usability, and performance. Also, each PHP framework has its own pros and cons. That is why, the web developers must keep in mind precise project requirements while assessing advantages and disadvantages of using PHP frameworks.

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